Last Shabbos

Sometimes I like to take Shabbos to the next level……meaning I don’t want to leave the house. This type of day includes an outfit consisting of the night before’s pajamas or worse.

So, I realized that my dog needed a quick walk and wanted to take him out in a quiet way as I feared bumping into anyone who would force me to engage in a “stop and chat”. I left my house and made a right turn. Made a quick left at the corner. Make another sharp left and then another. I was on the last leg of my walk. (Unintentional pun, sorry) So far, so good! I had not seen one human being. SCORE! Things were looking good. I was almost home. I was almost safe. And that’s when it happened. I heard a voice from a few feet behind me….PERI PERI. Oh dear. I had almost made it back to safety and alas, I had not. Home was less than fifty feet away. The voice belonged to lady from shul named Jill. I knew she had recently retired so I politely engaged her and asked how her retirement was going. I listened to a solioquy about her daily experiences and was about to dash into my front door. NOPE. Not quite what happened next. Here is what did happen….. Peri, she said….Didn’t your younger daughter get married and divorced? I answered her and said that that question wasnt particularly relevant. Jill felt awful and apologized. I felt awful and ran into my house. Note to self: Next time someone asks an inappropriate, weird, hurtful, insensitive, strange question pretend that your stomach hurts and run in fast. Or don’t answer.

Note to Bnei Yisrael :

When someone has a challenge to deal with…….Don’t question them about it. Trust me, whatever challenge it is, it’s easier than dealing with your ridiculous queries.

Shavua Tov.


I’m going to be 65 this Sunday.Why do I still expect people to think before they speak?

